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Saturday, May 5, 2007

Secrets of Creating a Happy Home

by Nika Stewart

Did you know that color, shapes, and light evoke different emotions? If you know a few simple design tricks, you can make any space feel happier. Here are 4 design elements that will evoke a happy mood in your home.

1. Yellow - Yellow is a very cheerful color. Use yellow accessories to create a happy mood in a room, or for a more dramatic shift in atmosphere, paint the walls and ceiling.
2. Red - The color red increases blood flow, speeds up metabolism, and boosts brain functioning. Add splashes of red in a room to improve a sluggish environment.
3. Circles - Curved shapes connote comfort and nurturing. You don’t want everything in a room to be circular (that could make you dizzy!), but you can cheer up a space just by adding a few curves.
4. Sunlight - Natural sunlight is one of the best mood elevators. If your space feels gloomy, you will notice a lively boost by simply opening blinds and pulling back draperies. And while you’re at the window, open up and let some fresh air in!

Just a few easy changes can make a big difference. Here’s to your happy home!

Nika Stewart, The Designers' Success Coach

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